Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Society and I.

Well here's something bothering me, you know we all say who cares about what people think, they talk so let them. But what if you are one of those 'people' and the one you talk about is someone close to you? Let them be or voice your concern, especially when the key motivation of your concern maybe related to social norms and nothing legit. 
If you think about it, every one's set different standards of what's acceptable to them, so if there is something I am okay with, it may be something utterly repulsive to you, so I respect the right to pick a way of life suitable to you, but is it under any circumstance acceptable to set some standards common to all? Like covering your privates in front of people. Having said that, if someone close to you does something you think unacceptable and pointing it out shouldn't be so hard, but everyone has their own defense system, people end up pointing your flaws out, thinking it somehow makes everything okay. 
Downside of an idealistic society really, they feed you crap like "someone who really loves you wont let you do something he thinks isn't right" instead there's a general 'Don't nag, Don't judge' policy being practiced so I guess I can go with the flow and learn to keep my mouth shut. After all by definition, voicing my concern's might imply I am the enemy, and I would not want that. 
But hey, aren't I making my concerns public right now? Perhaps the DNDJ(I 'just' coined that) isn't for me, so if you do something I am not okay with I will tell you, in turn if you think that I am no one to judge since I am not a saint myself, have it known I am not exactly judging you. And nag me for doing what ever you don't approve of. I think we all owe this to each other to politely point out each other's flaws after you reach a certain level of personal intimacy. So perhaps I am detesting the concept of minding your own business but it all comes from a good place and it would be much appreciated if you can take this sour pill with a spoon full of sugar. 

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